Libby Makley

Business Travel to China!

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Location: Cincinnati, OH, United States

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Where in China?

My destination in China is a town named Guangzhou. It's just inland of Hong Kong. Actually it's more like a blossoming industrial hub of about 12 million inhabitants. And it's a 2-hour train ride from Hong Kong. The time difference between there and home is 12 hours.
A one-way trip with 2 layovers takes roughly 24 hours to complete, plus or minus the 12-hour time difference. I'm so glad my company is willing to absorb the cost of a business class plane ticket!

I will not be allowed to drive while I'm in China, but private transportation (taxi) is relatively affordable. I've been told to collect business cards in the local language because most taxi drivers can't speak English, nor read the English alphabet. If the address isn't written in Mandarin or Cantonese characters, I'll be out of luck! But this is one of those tiny little details I've worried about well in advance - I've already started my collection. :)


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